This is true, a stylus really can't be employed.  I think the larger point
is Betty thinks you can draw fine detail with a finger, and those of us who
have tried are just saying you can get FINER detail from a pointier object
like a stylus.  Betty's NY'er covers are examples of what you can get with
your fat finger, haven't seen anything with fine detail yet.

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall <> wrote:

> I find this all too impossible to follow.
> If I remember correctly a stylus is unusable on the ipad (if it has a touch
> screen like an Iphone)
> You must use finger contact.
> One of my members has a Blackberry Storm and she cannot use it with gloves,
> must be a finger touch.
> Stewart
> At 06:51 PM 2/14/2010, you wrote:
> In art school we did thousands of charcoal drawings, some with charcoal
> pencils, some with small blocks of charcoal. The only time we ever used a
> stylus was for sculpture or to remove the ink layer that covered colored
> wax. You can create minute details using pieces of charcoal. Michelangelo
> did OK with his charcoal drawings. [Forgot...we'd find a stylus to clean our
> fingernails after using clay.]
>  Cheap artists' brushes start about $4 each or so. I have too many sables
>> that cost well over $10--each--some over $30. Brushes for oil or acrylic
>> sometimes cost more than watercolor brushes, but don't often last as long
>> because they're harder to clean. The bundles of brushes at discount are
>> cheap and don't last. Quality brushes will last for years. One of the good
>> things about calligraphy was using the cheap bamboo brushes, but fine sable
>> brushes are very expensive.
>> Fat fingers are no excuse. You can either draw, or you can't draw. No big
>> deal. No excuses.
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