On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 9:40 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> Exactly, hence my comment about lack of imagination and illusions to
> parallel ports. Whenever somebody innovates we see a swell of nay sayers who
> can't imagine that anything could be done differently than it is being done
> currently. And around here great umbrage that blinders are being disturbed.

  Using a finger to activate a touch screen is no longer innovative.
That has been around for a long time.  You are giving Mr. Jobs credit
he does not deserve in this instance.

  Neither I or anybody else has said that no drawing or input should
be realized by way of the finger on a tablet-based computer.  I have
advocated for either a finger or a fine tipped stylus.  In simple
terms, a choice.  Mr. jobs abhors choice in this instance and seeks to
deny it.  Thus I disagree with him and point out technical reasons why
I disagree.  Technical reasons are something that he totally left out
of his rant against styli.  The closest he came to technical was the
use of the relatively childish word "yuck."

> Did anyone notice that most drawing programs are operated using a mouse and
> that moving a mouse requires the use of one's entire arm, including a whole
> bunch of fingers. Both mouse and arm are considerably larger than a finger.
> Yet it works fine.

  I truly believe that you have seriously missed the point.  Placing
one's finger upon an iPhone screen in order to draw covers a portion
of the screen that is probably close to the amount of screen area that
would be covered were I to place my entire hand upon the screen of my
iMac.  Would I like to draw in such a fashion?  Would that be the best

> I expect that the iPad will bring an explosion of innovation in user
> interfaces.

  Quite possibly.  One of the first just might be a stylus offered by
Apple.  Consumer demand, you know.


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