Not a false premise at all. It's a corollary to "Power corrupts . . ." The power to regulate is the power to destroy. People appointed as regulators are very powerful.

You're very confused.

We, the people, are the government of the United States. Only when you cede power to the corporations is the power outside of the hands of the people, and that is the true corruption of power. Corporations exist primarily to make a profit by any means, not for the benefit of their employees or even their customers [if they're a utility].

We, the people, have our representatives appoint regulators to keep corporations under control. Originally, corporations had ten-year charters, to keep them from being "evil", as were the corporations before the revolution. The British East India Company, along other corporations, were allowed by the King to be abusive to colonists. As a result, the founders of the US were extremely distrustful of corporations, as we should be now.

The corrupting power in the US is now in the 'hands' of huge banks and multinational corporations. Regulation gives some of the power back to the people of the United States. We need business. We need people to start and run businesses. We need people to buy products and services. We don't need companies that underpay employees, force them to work overtime off the clock, fire them for wanting union protection, and without that protection, send the jobs overseas, creating high unemployment.

How will people be able to afford any kind of broadband if they're underemployed or unemployed?

That's what unregulated corporate power does. From your comments, that's what you want. You are either an unrepentant corporatist, or very confused.

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