To be honest there is still too little information being released for anyone to make a good solid opinion on.

1.) Did they inform the students that their activity could be monitored under limited circumstances (Lost notebooks or similar)
At this point that does not seem the case, so there was no informed consent.

2.) Was the laptop that the student was supposed to have been monitored on, a loaner in that he had lost his laptop or it was stolen? I saw a comment that this was the case. If so what caused the laptop's webcam to be turned on?

3.) What paperwork, phone call etc. was given to the Vice Principal to cause her to call the student into her office?
Again the VP has alleged that she did not cause the webcam to be turned on.

4.) What has not been ascertained yet, or not publicized is who authorized turning the webcam on and for what reason.

But the first item is crucial.

If they did not give informed consent of being able to turn these webcams on in certain circumstances they are liable for invasion of privacy.

I am not a lawyer nor do I play one but I spent the night in a Holiday Inn Express.


At 06:50 PM 3/4/2010, you wrote:
Does anyone else feel that it is a reasonable expectation of privacy that a
school provided laptop won't have the camera turned on remotely to watch
little girls and boys in their bedrooms?  I don't think anyone on this list
would ever even have the thought to do such thing, doesn't it make you
wonder the types of people running this school that they had no trouble at
all allowing adults to do this?  These people are without morals and ethics,
I agree don't sue the school, but go after every one of these admin
officials who is involved.

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Chris Dunford <> wrote:

> > If anything, they should sue the students who weren't bright enough not
> to
> > tape over the cameras before doing stupid stuff in front of them.
> Stupid stuff? The student was eating Mike & Ike candy.
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