What OS?  32 bit or 64?

If it's XP, it's fine. If it's W7 64 bit, your existing software may or may not work.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Carroll" <carrollcompu...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:26 PM
Subject: [CGUYS] Recommendation for laptop computer advice sought

This listserv is so oriented towards social issues, I am almost afraid to ask a computer question. But, here goes:

I have always had a PC with Windows, if I exclude the Apple IIe computer. I have never owned or used a laptop, only a desktop. I think now that I need to buy a laptop because wife has decided to use the desktop many hours a day for her new-found hobby of photography: this leaves me without access to a computer, particularly the internet or other simple tasks. If I get a laptop I will need a simple & cheap one only since wife goes to sleep early, thereby freeing the desktop computer.

Starting with the Dell web site, I find that a laptop with:

Processor  Intel TM 6600 Duo, 2.2 GHz, 800 MHz bus, 2 MB cache
Memory 4GB 800 MHz RAM
500 GB 5400 RPM hard drive
6-cell battery
Intel Link 5100 "N" wireless modem
8X CD/DVD burner (dual layer)

costs $659 before shipping.

Is this laptop a good choice? Is it a good price? Are there other brands or options that I ought to consider? Specially: I want good performance at the cheapest price. I am very stingy by nature!


P.S. Please don't say to buy a Mac laptop instead of a Windows machine. I bought my daughter a MacBook Pro and she likes it very well, but I am more comfortable with a Windows OS because I already have a large number of Windows programs that I can install on a laptop, plus I don't want to start a new personal learning curve to use the Mac -- i.e., sharing data between computer might be hard -- and I want to go cheap(!!) to buy a laptop.

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