On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Jeff Miles <jmile...@charter.net> wrote:

>        This is beginning to sound like a school IT department with way to 
> much time on it's hands.

  Conversely, there is this current situation in Montgomery County, MD
at Churchill High School where a student or students installed
keylogging software on computers used by teachers.  They did that in
order to obtain passwords to school system computers that they then
accessed to enhance the grades of about 60 classmates, perhaps for
money.  What do we have here?  Students interested in computer
technology for the purposes of using that knowledge for criminal
activity?  Or, was this all just a prank, and the kids were going to
'fess up when their report cards came out?  I seriously doubt that
would have happened.

  Various students who have been interviewed said that they all feel
so much pressure from both parents as well as school officials to
excel to extreme degrees that it is not surprising that some students
would resort to such behavior.


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