And this is comparable to visually spying on children in their bedrooms 
how? I think you're trying to compare apples with oranges here.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Mar 9, 2010, at 4:28 AM, wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Jeff Miles <> wrote:
>>        This is beginning to sound like a school IT department with way to 
>> much time on it's hands.
>  Conversely, there is this current situation in Montgomery County, MD
> at Churchill High School where a student or students installed
> keylogging software on computers used by teachers.  They did that in
> order to obtain passwords to school system computers that they then
> accessed to enhance the grades of about 60 classmates, perhaps for
> money.  What do we have here?  Students interested in computer
> technology for the purposes of using that knowledge for criminal
> activity?  Or, was this all just a prank, and the kids were going to
> 'fess up when their report cards came out?  I seriously doubt that
> would have happened.
>  Various students who have been interviewed said that they all feel
> so much pressure from both parents as well as school officials to
> excel to extreme degrees that it is not surprising that some students
> would resort to such behavior.
>  Steve
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