Quoting Art Clemons <artclem...@aol.com>:

On 03/12/2010 01:31 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
How about: They have a picture of a student, upon which, they spied?

But you're conceding that at first they didn't know who had the picture.

I'm not conceding anything. Why are they even taking pictures when a quick phone call would do.

In my own, admittedly twisted, world, this is how *I* think things should be:

1) School year starts.
2) Every student gets assigned a laptop. Her/his own special, serial numbered, we-know-who-it-belongs-to, laptop.
3a) Parents pay insurance fee, student takes laptop home all the time. Or,
3b) Parents don't pay fee, laptop stays at school.
4) School looks in the Laptop Department and notice that laptop #xyz, assigned to Ace Student is missing.
5) School calls Mr/Mrs Student to ask if Ace has laptop.
5a) Parents say "Why, yes. Yes he does have his laptop. And OH MY GOD HE'S DOING DRUGS!! Oh no wait. It's just candy."

Maybe I'm naive.

Apparently School System went straight to:

6) Take pictures of whoever has Laptop because it's been *stolen*! We *know* it has.

 It appears that the IT guys probably lacked access to student records,
which means that the student in question was just another possible
"thief".  You

So The IT Guys were either taking pictures of students without *anyone's* permission (AKA spying on children), or School System had them do it because they couldn't be bothered to call the 'rents.

Just as a side note, assuming they probably had a pretty good idea who
*might* have had the laptop, couldn't they just call the 'rents and
*ask* if Jr. had the thing?

You're missing something obvious.  The company which provided the
pictures definitely had ZERO idea of the identity of the individual in

No I'm not. Phone call *before* pictures. Simple.

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