"The second market of aging baby boomers and the greatest generation may be even more significant in that it is mostly untapped. This market has been largely bypassed by the information age. The majority is off the grid and many are computer phobic. The PC or smart phone is not intuitive to them

I have to say that I think they are on the mark with this assessment. My husband is fairly computer illiterate....he has a macbook and an iMac but I had to set them up for him and have to answer daily questions on how to accomplish what to me are obvious things. His cell phone is as old as he is (67)<g> and he really wants to get rid of it because he "doesn't need it". But ever since the announcement of the iPad he has bombarded me with questions about it and what it will do (for him). He is a reader....with books lining the walls and every other surface of his office....and is huge on newspapers but is sick of having to throw them out because of the waste. He does crossword puzzles all the time.....so for him, the big iTouch is perfect. He couldn't manipulate or see to read on the small version so the big one is the answer. This is the first time I"ve ever had to compete with him for first rights to a tech toy! I want an iPad too!

Paula Minor

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