It exists, but not in reality yet.

The Ipads in the commercials are prototype editions, not consumer versions.

They have to be prototype as the commercials had to be in the bag a month ago.

Let us see the consumer product and then we can comment.


At 11:53 AM 3/9/2010, you wrote:
On Mar 9, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
You mean, like that iPad commercial tat was posted here the other
day? I mean seriously, *nobody* holds something *that* still.
Especially when they're poking at it. It doesn't move. It looks like
two hands (mostly one though) poking at a green screen, with
pictures of people holding their iPads and animation added after the

See. As I wrote: true believers believe the iPad doesn't exist.

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