Very good, except that looking something up while talking on the 
phone is one of the kinds of multitasking that iPhones do.  
Apparently Woz hasn't seen the commercials.  Of course he 

"I have two iPhones, a [Google] Nexus One, a [Motorola] Droid, 
plus a Garmin [GPS] and TomTom [GPS]. I turn them all on at the 
same time, plus the navigation system in my Prius."

So he's not just a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy, he's more like 
a two-pairs-of-pants-with-belts-and-suspenders kind of guy. 

> From:    Chris Dunford <>
> Subject: Wozniak solves two iPhone problems
> Woz has found a single solution to iPhone's lack of multitasking AND its 
> short battery life:
> "Yeah. I just have two iPhones, so if the battery runs down on the first one, 
> I can use the other. And if I'm talking on one, I can use the other one to 
> look something up. You would not believe how
> much use I get out of that."
> It's so EASY.  Why didn't everyone think of this?

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