For those who say that USA has rotten broadband speeds because we have such low population density, why is Canada ahead of US?

A variety of reasons.  The real question is how you define broadband.

The speeds on the map are somewhat misleading.  The FCC says that
anything over 768 kBPS qualifies as "broadband."  Nothing in that says
anything about symmetric or asymmetic (and they are setting the bar
too low).

Taking the broad, statistically flawed numbers on that map as gospel
would lead me to the conclusion that the USA is faster on average than
France.  That's not true in my experience comparing DC to Paris, for

The assumption seems to be that the few with true broadband access
of 10 mbps to 1 gbps, when averaged with the many with only dialup,
equals some kind of magic number.  That's small comfort to the many.

In my business, we're chasing LAN speed targets.  Forget that 768K.

It's so last week.

Actually, I was surprised the US did so well, even though I know that
the map was FUBAR.

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