On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 1:54 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> Releasing new products without field testing is not a good idea. You are
> taking quite an extreme stance if your efforts to oppose Apple. Perhaps you
> should run for the Senate?

  Field testing an as yet publicly unseen and unreleased product
should not require taking said item into a bar, particularly not into
a bar well known as a gathering place for geeks or into any other
public place where many folks are gathered, especially if secrecy is
of any concern.  Leaving such a device laying around in an unattended
manner is also not a great idea either unless the field test involves
experimenting with anti-theft procedures.  Seems very unprofessional
to me.

  Why do you suggest that I am daring to oppose Apple?  Is that
something that I should be fearful of engaging in?  I am not opposing
them.  However, it is my position that they brought this upon
themselves either through intent or through foolishness.  In either
case, they should shoulder the blame themselves in this instance
instead of lashing out at others by causing the power of legal
authorities to wreak retribution upon the silly individuals who were
reveling in the thought that they had, if for only a little while,
bested the mighty goliath.


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