It's not a fair comparison because a car left running (while stupid, 
and illegal in my town) has a high expectation of being reclaimed or returned 
to by the owner. A phone left and not claimed within a reasonable amount of 
time is considered abandoned. And I'd consider a "reasonable amount of time" on 
a prototype with what I'd imagine high corporate security concerns, about 5 
minutes, maybe less. However, if this was truly an engineer who lost the phone, 
I have to cut them some slack. While engineers are mostly very intelligent, 
from my experience many lack lack common sense.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Apr 29, 2010, at 9:57 AM, David K Watson wrote:

>> That is not a fair or accurate comparison.
> How is it not a fair comparison?  A running car in a convenience 
> store parking lot has the presumption that the owner will return 
> to it very quickly, while a phone that has been left unclaimed for a few 
> hours does not, but that has no bearing on the actions of someone 
> who takes either one knowing that it isn't theirs and eventually 
> sells it to someone else who also knows this.  
> Stripped to the bare essentials, we have:  
> A) Guy takes physical possession of misplaced valuable item 
> that is not his
> B) Well before he could think it reverts to him, guy sells 
> item to someone who also knows the item is not his.  
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:36 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:
>> From:    "Rev. Stewart Marshall" <>
>> Subject: Re: illegal search warrant?
>> That is not a fair or accurate comparison.
>> Stewart
>> At 09:17 PM 4/28/2010, you wrote:
>>> You can personally feel that Apple was foolish in how they let the
>>> phone be stolen, but that has absolutely no legal bearing on its
>>> theft.
>>> There are still people who are foolish enough to leave their car
>>> running and unlocked when they go into a convenience store,
>>> but if the car gets stolen, the thief can't plead this as an extenuating
>>> circumstance if he or she gets caught.
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