On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:06 PM, David K Watson
<davidkirkwat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, so supposedly Apple sent folks over to the guy's house to
> demand he give them back the phone, but he wasn't there, so
> he didn't. Then presumably having heard about this from his
> roommate who was there, he nonetheless sells the iPhone to
> Gizmodo.
> It still looks wrong to me.  PC World reports this part of the
> story as "unconfirmed" by the way, not as a fact.

  None of this whole affair is devoid of wrongness, in my humble
opinion.  I think it was wrongheaded for an Apple Corp. insider to
take a highly secretive prototype iPhone into an establishment well
known for being a watering hole that caters greatly to and is usually
crammed with computer geeks.  Everyone involved in the possession of
that phone after it was taken from the bar were a bunch of money
grubbers, so gaga over technology that they lost sight of almost all
reason.  I say a big thumbs down on all of them as far as sensibility
is concerned.  If those folks represent who is at the core of
technology today, we may all be in deep doo da.


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