Rick Perry is an embarrassment to the state educational system.  
He said when Texas entered the union in 1845, it was with the 
understanding it could later pull out. In fact, as the historical 
website points out (and Texas Monthly reminds its readers 
quite often), the agreement was that Texas could split itself into 
5 states "of comfortable size" if it wanted, not that it could secede. 
If Perry could spark two brain cells together, he'd recognize 
that his faulty understanding can't be reconciled with the history 
of the Civil War, which included Texas among those states that 
can't secede.  

As to the "Republic of Texas" bit, Texans are inordinately proud 
of the fact that they were an actual republic from 1836-45, between 
independence from Mexico and admission to the U.S. Some other 
states or parts of states were republics too at some point, but 
not for as long and with the same degree of recognition
as Texas, I think. 

On May 2, 2010, at 12:00 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

> Date:    Sat, 1 May 2010 22:25:36 -0500
> From:    Stewart Marshall <revsamarsh...@earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: illegal search warrant?
> They have maintained for some time that they have a unique status 
> within the USA.  (You might have heard the sound bite of their 
> current governor a few months ago proposing secession?)
> Of course this is all hogwash, but you know Texans bigger than snot 
> and about as useful.
> Stewart
> At 09:55 PM 5/1/2010, you wrote:
>> They are a republic..just like the US.
>> On May 1, 2010 7:44 PM, "Stewart Marshall" <revsamarsh...@earthlink.net>
>> wrote:
>> Lets correct things a little bit here.
>> A small group/committee decided this for the whole state.
>> Kind of dumb but that is how it works.
>> Similar problem in my church body a small group decides what our publishing
>> house should put out.
>> Dont smear the whole state by this action.
>> But also remember they usually refer to themselves as a republic.  Such as
>> the United States and the Republic of Texas.
>> Stewart

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