
Michael Frase wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 28.12.2008, 21:05 +0100 schrieb Phil Dibowitz:
>> I don't expect this patch to make a difference one way or the other, but
>> reverse the last patch and try this one.
> As expected, no difference. You'll find the usbmon-log attached.

[Michael sent me a usbmon output after applying the max_chunk_size patch...]

# force usbmon into snoopy format...
for i in $(egrep 'Io|Ii' /tmp/usbmon\ \[patched\ remote.cpp\]\ from\ 2.5\
to\ 2.6.log | grep = | cut -f2 -d=  | sed -e 's/ //g'); do echo
'<payloadbytes>'$i'</payloadbytes>'; done > /tmp/foo2.xml

# extract the Write Flash data from the above
consnoop -d -v -f /tmp/foo2.xml  | grep -A1 'Write Flash Data'  | grep DATA
| cut -f2 -d: >/tmp/linux.txt

# extract the Write Flash data from the windows files
consnoop -d -v -f SnoopyProExport_part1.xml | grep -A1 'Write Flash Data'  |
grep DATA | cut -f2 -d: > /tmp/windows.txt

# What's the difference?
$ diff -u /tmp/windows.txt /tmp/linux.txt

Hmmm. OK, well, there's no difference in the actual write-out of the flash
this time. That's good. I guess.

That leaves a much smaller part of the logs to analyze...

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

"Never write it in C if you can do it in 'awk';
 Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
 Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
 Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
 Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible" -- Taylor's Laws of Programming

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