> En réponse à Jean Segers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Bonjour
> Pas pratique, on est 2 a signe Julien dans la ml.

C'est là que le tri des mails par thread est pratique ;-)
Il s'agissait de Julien "happy"

> OVH n'aurait pas des accords de Peering avec Proxad (Free). Je crois que oui,
> ce qui explique le debit.
> Le probleme de compatibilite est-il regle avec la Mandrake 8?

Ca, je n'en sais rien, je suis en 7.2 et ne passerai pas en 8.0!
Par contre Borland a publié un utilitaire "borpretest" qui vérifie le
système. Il est même conseillé de le charger et de l'exécuter avant de
charger Kylix.
C'est juste 22 KO.

Voici les infos données par Borland (extrait)


Certain bugs in common Linux software can cause problems for Kylix or
Kylix-developed applications. This document describes some of these
bugs, and procedures for detecting and fixing them.

All the fixes described here are very simple in nature. However,
variations in Linux distributions, and individual customizations of
Linux-based systems, can make installation of these fixes complicated.

This document also describes the following software. This software is
included with the Kylix product and is also available as a
separate free download.

    -- The borpretest program, which searches for Linux bugs that are
       known to affect Kylix. This program is run by the Kylix
       installer, which aborts if any bugs are discovered. Other bugs
       can be discovered using standard Linux programs, such as rpm.

    -- An RPM containing libjpeg version 6.2. This version of libjpeg is
       required to run Kylix, but not Kylix applications.

    -- Patches and upgrades for specific Linux distribution. See
       "Supported Distributions", below.


If you use a localized keyboard, make sure that the X keyboard map
matches the physical keyboard. Some Linux distributions do not do this
automatically. Refer to your distribution's documentation for further


The software documented here includes patches and upgrades for the
following Linux Distributions.

    -- Red Hat Linux 6.2.
    -- Red Hat Linux 7.0.
    -- Mandrake Linux 7.2.
    -- SuSE Linux 7.0.

If you have another Linux distribution, you should be able to obtain the
necessary patches and upgrades from the distribution maintainer or other
Linux support sources. In theory, Kylix and applications created by
Kylix can run on any Linux distribution, provided the system is properly
upgraded and configured. However, Borland does not support Kylix on any
distribution except those listed above.


Pre-Install Requirements

The following problems can interfere with Kylix and should be resolved
before Kylix is installed.

    -- A bug in some versions of the glibc loader can cause data
       corruption during the dynamic loading and unloading of shared
       objects. The result can be spontaneous segmentation faults in
       unrelated programs. Kylix is particularly sensitive to this bug,
       and will not install if the bug is present. The loader bug has
       been reported to glibc's maintainers, who have incorporated a fix
       in glibc 2.2. Systems which cannot upgrade to glibc 2.2 require
       a patched version of glibc 2.1.2 or later.

    -- Kylix and Kylix applications require glibc 2.1.2 or later.
       Upgrades are provided, where necessary, for all supported
       distributions. Note that SuSE Linux refers to glibc as "libc",
       but with the same version numbers as used by the glibc

    -- Kylix requires Linux kernel 2.2 or higher. (Some, but not all,
       Kylix applications also have this requirement.) All supported
       distributions already meet this requirement.

    -- Kylix requires libjpeg 6.2 or higher. (Some, but not all, Kylix
       applications also have this requirement.) An RPM package for this
       version is provided.

The borpretest program detects all the problems described above. Except
for the loader bug, these problems can also be detected manually; see
"Using RPM to Detect Software Versions", below.

Fixing the libjpeg problem on supported distributions (and other
RPM-based distributions) consists of a simple upgrade. See "Installing
libjpeg," below.

There is no general fix for the glibc problems, only distribution
specific fixes. Borland supplies fixes for the supported distributions,
which are described under "Fixing glibc", below. Some of these fixes can
be adapted to other distributions, but Borland cannot provide support
adaptation efforts.

Running borpretest

The borpretest directory contains all the files required to
automatically detect pre-installation problems. These are:

    -- The borpretest program itself.

    -- The testsystem shell script, a simplified way to run borpretest.

    -- Three shared-object files, lib-a.so, lib-b.so, and lib-c.so.
       These are used by borpretest to test for the loader bug.

The simplest way to run borpretest is to have all the above files in a
single directory and run this shell command from that directory:

    cd borpretest

You can do this in place if the files are on a file system that allows
program execution. Otherwise, you should copy the borpretest directory
to a local hard disk and run it there. For example:

    cp -r borpretest /home/tester
    cd /home/tester/borpretest

Running the testsystem script produces a brief summary of the problems
that need to be resolved.

To run borpretest directly, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
to the directory containing the test shared-object files. By default,
borpretest prints only a simple summary of problems or their absence.
The -v option expands this output to a detailed log of the tests
performed. The -q options suppresses all printed output, so borpretest
can be used in a shell script that relies on the program's exit code.

Possible exit codes are:

    0 -- No problems detected.
    1 -- Loader bug detected.
    2 -- Upgrade needed for Linux kernel.
    3 -- Upgrade needed for glibc
    4 -- Install or upgrade needed for libjpeg.
    5 -- Invalid argument.

                               -(@ @)- 
Jean Segers             Venez rêver -----> http://www.Demoiselles.com
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