Hi Peter,

I've attached a diagram that is not in the wiki as of yet, and I'll try to 
answer your questions.

Are the ACCESS_TOKEN and DENY_TOKEN values whatever have been stored for a 
particular user in the underlying acl store (e.g. Active Directory)?
How does AD and/or LCF handle storing such data in its schema? (does AD needs 
its schema extended?)
Presumably, any such AD fields would need to be queried for effective rights in 
order to cater for group membership allows and denies.

The ACCESS_TOKEN and DENY_TOKEN values are, in one sense, arbitrary strings 
that represent a contract between an LCF authority connection and the LCF 
repository connection that picks up the documents (from wherever).  These 
tokens thus have no real meaning outside of LCF.  You must regard them as 

The contract, however, states that if you use the LCF authority service to 
obtain tokens for an authenticated user, you will get back a set that is 
CONSISTENT with the tokens that were attached to the documents LCF sent to Solr 
for indexing in the first place.  So, you don't have to worry about it, and 
that's kind of the idea.  So you imagine the following flow:

(1) Use LCF to fetch documents and send them to Solr
(2) When searching, use the LCF authority service to get the desired user's 
access tokens
(3) Either filter the results, or modify the query, to be sure the access 
tokens all match up properly

For the AD authority, the LCF access tokens consist, in part, of the user's 
SIDs.  For other authorities, the access tokens are wildly different.  You 
really don't want to know what's in them, since that's the job of the LCF 
authority to determine. ;-)

LCF is not, by the way, joined at the hip with AD.  However, in practice, most 
enterprises in the world use some form of AD single signon for their web 
applications, and even if they're using some repository with its own idea of 
security, there's a mapping between the AD users and the repository's users.  
Doing that mapping is also the job of the LCF authority for that repository.

Hope this helps.  Also, I'm not expecting time miracles here, so don't sweat 
the schedule.


From: ext Peter Sturge [peter.stu...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 4:27 AM
To: d...@lucene.apache.org
Cc: connectors-u...@incubator.apache.org; lucene-...@apache.org; 
Subject: Re: FW: Solr and LCF security at query time

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the quick turnaround.
I'm in the middle of a product release for us, so I fear I won't be as quick as 
you... :-)

I couldn't find a simple flow diagram or similar for LCF with regards security 
(probably looking in the wrong place).
Perhaps you could help on these questions...?

In SOLR-1872, the allows and denies are stored (in acl.xml) as sub-queries, 
which are then used as filter queries in a user's search.

Are the ACCESS_TOKEN and DENY_TOKEN values whatever have been stored for a 
particular user in the underlying acl store (e.g. Active Directory)?
How does AD and/or LCF handle storing such data in its schema? (does AD needs 
its schema extended?)
Presumably, any such AD fields would need to be queried for effective rights in 
order to cater for group membership allows and denies.

I guess I'm just trying to understand the architectural flow/storage/retrieval 
of data in the various parts of the system, but I admit, I need to do more 
research on this.
After our product release, when I get a few more spare cycles, I can look at it 
in more detail.

Many thanks!

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:02 AM, 
<karl.wri...@nokia.com<mailto:karl.wri...@nokia.com>> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I just committed the promised changes to the LCF Solr output connector.

ACL metadata will now be posted to the Solr Http interface along with the 
document as the two following fields:


There will, of course, potentially be multiple values for each of these two 

Hope this helps,

From: ext Peter Sturge 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 6:51 PM

Subject: Re: FW: Solr and LCF security at query time

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the info. I'll have a look at the link and try to take in as much 
sugar as my insulin levels will handle...
It sounds like the necessary interface(s) are already in LCF - just a matter of 
implementing them in the Solr 1872 plugin.
I'll need to digest the LCF stuff to get to grips with it..please bear with me 
while I do that...

When you say:
   The LCF solr output connection doesn't yet do this, but it is trivial for me 
to make that happen.
Do you mean a mechanism by which solr.war can get url et al info from its 
parent container (Tomcat, Jetty etc.), or have I misinterpreted this?


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:05 PM, 
<karl.wri...@nokia.com<mailto:karl.wri...@nokia.com>> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I'm the principal committer for LCF, but I don't know as much about Solr as I 
ought to, so it sounds like a potentially productive collaboration.

LCF does exactly what you are looking for - the only issue at all is that you 
need to fetch a URL from a webapp to get what you are looking for.  The "plugs" 
are all inside LCF for different kinds of repositories.  Here's a link that 
might help with drinking the LCF "koolaid", as it were: 

The url would be something like this (on a locally installed tomcat-based LCF 


... and this fetch returns something like:


... which represent the amalgamated tokens for all of the defined authorities, 
and by some strange coincidence ( ;-) ) are compatible with certain pieces of 
metadata that have been passed into Solr with each document - one set of Allow 
tokens, and a second set of Deny tokens.  The LCF solr output connection 
doesn't yet do this, but it is trivial for me to make that happen.

Does this sound plausible to you?


From: ext Peter Sturge 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:41 PM

Subject: Re: FW: Solr and LCF security at query time

Hi Karl,

Integrating LCF to get external token support for SOLR-1872 sounds very 
interesting indeed. I don't know anything about LCF, but one of the things I 
was planning for SOLR-1872 is to make acl.xml (or rather its behaviour) 
'pluggable' - i.e. it would just be one of a series of plugins that could be 
used for obtaining back-end authentication information.

If you're good with LCF, perhaps we could work together to build this in. One 
of the first things would be defining an interface that would be as easy as 
possible to plug LCF into. Have you any suggestions/insight on this front?

Many thanks,

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 4:08 PM, 
<karl.wri...@nokia.com<mailto:karl.wri...@nokia.com>> wrote:
SOLR-1872 looks exactly like what I was envisioning, from the search query 
perspective, although instead of the acl xml file you specify LCF stipulates 
you would dynamically query the lcf-authority-service servlet for the access 
tokens themselves.  That would get you support for AD, Documentum, LiveLink, 
Meridio, and Memex for free. It seems likely that this component could be 
modified to work with LCF with minor effort.

The missing component still seems to be AD authentication, which needs a 


From: ext Peter Sturge 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:44 AM
To: d...@lucene.apache.org<mailto:d...@lucene.apache.org>
Subject: Re: FW: Solr and LCF security at query time

If you want to do this completely within Solr, have a look at:
SOLR-1834 and SOLR-1872. These use a SearchComponent plugin for Solr.


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:25 PM, 
<karl.wri...@nokia.com<mailto:karl.wri...@nokia.com>> wrote:

From: Wright Karl (Nokia-S/Cambridge)
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:16 AM
To: 'dominique.bej...@eolya.fr<mailto:dominique.bej...@eolya.fr>'
Cc: 'solr-...@apache.org<mailto:solr-...@apache.org>'; 
Subject: RE: Solr and LCF security at query time


Yes, I am aware of this ticket and contribution.  Luckily LCF establishes a 
powerful multi-repository security model, even though it doesn't yet do the 
final step of enforcing that model at the search end.  LCF allows you to define 
multiple authorities to operate against disparate repositories, and use the 
appropriate authority to secure any given document.  The solr people are aware 
of this design, which addresses the issues raised by SOLR-1834 very nicely.  
However, as I said before, time is a problem, and the work still needs to be 

I suggest you read up on the actual security model of LCF, and perhaps 
experiment with that and the SOLR-1834 contribution, to see if there is common 
ground.  One thing we've learned at MetaCarta is that post-filtering for 
security purposes is expensive, and it is better to modify the queries 
themselves to restrict the results, if possible.  I'm not sure which approach 
SOLR-1834 takes, although it sounds like it might be the filtering approach.  
Still, it would be better than nothing.

Please let me know what you find out.


From: ext Dominique Bejean 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:03 AM
To: Wright Karl (Nokia-S/Cambridge)
Subject: Re: Solr and LCF security at query time


Thank you for your reply.

I made some research today and I found this :

Sorl security model have to be able to filter result list with items coming 
from various sources at the same time (livelink, documentum, file system, ...). 
Big subject :)


Le 20/04/10 13:34, karl.wri...@nokia.com<mailto:karl.wri...@nokia.com> a écrit :
Hi Dominique,

At the moment, in order to enforce the LCF security model within Lucene/Solr, 
you will need to build this functionality into whatever client you are using to 
display the Lucene search results.  Specifically, you would need to take the 
following steps:

(1) Have your users access your search client through Apache.
(2) Use the Apache module mod_auth_kerb, combined with LCF's 
mod_authz_annotate, to cause authorization HTTP headers to be transmitted to 
the client webapp.
(3) Have your client webapp alter whatever queries it is doing, to add an 
appropriate query clause for each of the access tokens transmitted in the 

(This is how it is done at MetaCarta.)

Alternatively, you may find a way to do this completely with a web application 
under a Java app server such as Tomcat.  I have not yet done the research to 
find out whether this is a feasible alternative.  Effectively, what you need 
something like mod_auth_kerb to do is to authenticate your user against Active 
Directory, or whomever the authenticator ought to be.  JAAS may be helpful here.

There are, of course, intentions to fill out the missing pieces more completely 
and transparently via a Solr search plugin and/or filter.  What has been 
lacking is time.  If you are in a position to do development in this area, 
we're happy to have any assistance you might provide.

From: ext Dominique Bejean [mailto:dominique.bej...@eolya.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:06 AM
Subject: Solr and LCF security at query time


I don't see in LCF wiki how Solr and LCF works together at query time in order 
to remove from the result list the items the user is not allowed to access.

http://cwiki.apache.org/CONNECTORS/lucene-connectors-framework-concepts.html, I 
just see these sentences :

" Once all these documents and their access tokens are handed to the search 
engine, it is the search engine's job to enforce security by excluding 
inappropriate documents from the search results. For Lucene, this 
infrastructure is expected to be built on top of Lucene's generic metadata 
abilities, but has not been implemented at this time."

I am not sure to understand. Does this mean that for the moment, it is not 
possible for Solr to apply security by using an Authority Connector ?


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