On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Carsten Mattner
<carstenmatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Zheng, Jeff <jeff.zh...@intel.com> wrote:
>>> > How would I connect to wireless ap with SSID ap1 and PSK psk1?
>>> > connmanctl connect wifi ????
>>> connmanctl does not yet support Agent functionality, so you can't use it to
>>> provide passwords for WPA/WEP connected networks. You can connect to any
>>> wifi network with it, but authentication will fail.
>> Yes. It's bug https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=25885.
>> You can use connman test python script instead:
>> 1. In one console, run "simple-agent Name=<AP ssid> Passphrase=<key>"
>> 2. In another console, run "test-connman connect <AP service path>"
> Thanks for the bug link.
> How can I debug what's preventing the test script to work at all?
> It's a default installation of connman on archlinx with the dbus
> policy I had linked to. Once I have that figured out I can try the
> various clients.
> Is there really no well defined place to store connection profiles
> one can refer to with connmanctl?

connman creates a folder for each network under /var/lib/connman.

You should be able to pre-define a network in there and use connmanctl
to connect to a service. This way you can set WPA/WEP passwords
without any client. However, the format of these files isn't documented AFAIK.

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