
On Wed, 2014-05-14 at 15:27 +0200, Julien Massot wrote:
> I understand that returning unreachable networks is quiet confusing,
> but I think their request is legitimate.
> Often they think they remove all the favorite networks in the UI list,
> and they don't understand that some networks are still stored.
> Sometimes it results in unwanted wifi passphrase leaks,
> or connection to a no longer wanted network.
> The naive way of thinking is to return these networks with
> GetServices method of net.connman.Manager interface.
> These services may required a new "unreachable" state.

I think the main idea floated a long time ago with showing services not
present should be rewarded an interface of their own, very similar to
net.connman.Service but without the Connect, Disconnect and
Move{Before,After} method calls. One should be then able to Remove the
service and set/unset its properties. A service can only exist in either
net.connman.Service or net.connman.Stored (or something), but not both.
Signalling for this transition would also be needed.

On the downside this kind of API will eat quite a lot of memory, perhaps
there is a possibility of creating the relevant data structures on the
fly only when needed?

> Does someone already think about a possible implementation for this
> use case ?

So far nobody I know of has shown any interest in implementing this.



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