On Wed, 2014-05-14 at 23:53 +0000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> Jolla had such a use case, and so we created a patch in our connman
> repo, which exposes those saved/known out of range AP's through dbus.
> Editing them is only possible when in range, except for 'removing'
> them.

I looked at said patch some time ago, and that's not the way we want to
proceed. The patch creates a service with NULL network, NULL provider
and NULL object path. This is a very fragile approach and can trigger a
crash if anything at all is changed in ConnMan's connection logic.

If you are serious with a stored services interface, I'd suggest you and
Julien get together on this mailing list and start thinking on a decent
solution using an independent list of object paths with a separate
interface as requested by Marcel. In the other reply I was already
worried about memory consumption. The device ends up knowing quite a few
networks over time so there must be some means not to consume too much
memory in the process. I do have a feeling that stored services can be
handled mostly without allocating huge amounts of memory up front,



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