
On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 01:07 +0000, Sam Nazarko wrote:

> The primary use case is to keep ConnMan running so that in OSMC users
> can still configure Bluetooth connections or WiFi adapters with a
> unified interface (and we can support it with a single API).

Thanks for the info.

The above means that in the OSMC configuration the DNS servers from the
kernel command line, kernel variables or other static entries written to
resolv.conf also satisfy the name lookups done while using Bluetooth or

I was thinking that this leads to a solution like:
- always write ConnMan's resolv.conf entries to the hereafter
  "well-known" location at /var/run/connman/resolv.conf
- by default replace /etc/resolv conf with a symlink to ConnMan's own
  resolv.conf file
- prevent the creation of the symlink by defining a command line
  option and main.conf variable.

By not making ConnMan's resolv.conf location configurable keeps
resolv.conf handling distribution agnostic and ConnMan specific while
being in line with what systemd-resolved offers. The two latter points
above are there only to keep the current status quo.



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