On Tue, 2015-09-15 at 07:15 +0000, Sam Nazarko wrote:
> I am happy with this solution to write
> to /var/run/connman/resolv.conf. I am happy to submit a patch for this
> as well as a revised systemd service unit with an ExecStartPre= entry
> to create the symlink before starting ConnMan. Please let me know if
> you will accept this. 

systemd-tmpfiles looks like being the correct tool for this task. With
this solution no additional variables are needed main.conf, which is a
good thing. But also scripts/connman.in should be modified to create the
needed symlink.

The above scheme can fail if the system provides its own init scripts,
so now would be the time to take notice, speak up and/or fix such init

> Our current implementation actually calls a script before launching
> ConnMan to run some sanity checks and evaluate whether we want
> ConnMan's resolv.conf or not, but revising the systemd unit is
> probably the best method to maintain immediate compatibility and
> provide an entry point for other distributions to change this
> behaviour. 

Here I suppose the modifications are done via a connman.service.d/*.conf
systemd.unit files in order to eliminate source code patches for ConnMan
systemd service startup.

More comments, anyone?


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