

Brett Porter a écrit :
Files as 1389 and 1390, with some additional comments about the alwaysSend bit.

On 11/08/2007, at 2:59 AM, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Yes they are improvments requests to file. I'm not sure about 2) because we already have the alwaysSend parameter that can be set

I won't look at it for 1.1-beta-2 but I'll try for 1.1-beta-3


Brett Porter a écrit :
Did I understand the summary to be the following to improvement requests to file? 1) for group notifiers, don't send a mail if another build is scheduled in the group already (instead, have the results added to the mail for that group). Make this a configurable option, on the group notifier itself. Default is off for consistency with current behaviour. 2) add a threshold of messages, particularly for errors - don't send a message that is identical to one sent in the last X hours.
On 02/08/2007, at 6:26 PM, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Brett Porter a écrit :
On 02/08/2007, at 7:46 AM, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
For a project notifier, I think we can keep what we have actually, but for a group notifier, we can send a single mail by project group. The mail can be sent after the build of the latest project of the group, I don't think it will be a problem to know if the project is the latest and we won't need to modify the db schema for this "new feature".

Sounds good to me. That and eliminating the error condition would be great.
I'd like to keep the usage we have actually, so we can use a new parameter in the continuum conf where admin will choose if mail are sent one by one or by project group.
Do you think this is a continuum conf, or a group notifier conf?

It can be a group notifier conf (it will be better than a global continuum conf) because we don't have specific fields in db for notifier config so we can add what we want. If we do that, what will be the default? Will we allow to set the default in the global conf?


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