My no-swing contributions:

Brown Paper Packages
Improper (

A1 All join inside hand with partner, 2s form an arch and 1s go under, all moving forwards; then 1s form an arch and 2s go under, all moving backwards Chain all around starting right hand with neighbour, two beats (one bar) on each side A2 All join inside hand with partner, 1s form an arch and 2s go under, all moving forwards; then 2s form an arch and 1s go under, all moving backwards Chain all around starting right hand with neighbour, two beats (one bar) on each side
B1 Allemande right half-way with neighbour (4 beats)
Men allemande left 1 1/4 to face neighbour on the diagonal (4 beats)
Half hey for four on the diagonal, right shoulder start
B2 Women start to circle left, men complete the half hey and join the circle behind their neighbour, circle 3/4 back to original positions
Balance the ring (4 beats)
1s form an arch and 2s go under to progress (4 beats)

Flynn's Legacy
Becket (
Couples coming out at the ends should wait on their new side and rejoin for the promenade and right and left through.

A1 Do-si-do opposite
Do-si-do opposites as couples
A2 Star right once around
Star left back
B1 Promenade across the set (courtesy turn hold) and continue on (anti-clockwise around the set) to face the next couple
Right and left through (with new opposites) to finish in progressed position
B2 Basket left twice around

Jacob's Ladder
Becket (
End effects: couples coming out of the first hey with no-one to face should move to normal improper positions at the ends of the set and wait. When the second hey starts next time they rejoin, with the woman moving into the man's position when he vacates it.

A1 Star left once around
Star right back to place
A2 Hey for four, men passing left shoulder across the set to start
B1 Hey for four with the next couple (to the man's left facing across the set); men passing right shoulder to start
B2 Partners allemande left 1 1/2
Do-si-do partner by the left shoulder


On 24/11/2022 02:18, Lisa Sieverts via Contra Callers wrote:
At the risk of derailing this conversation, ah, I definitely am derailing it so 
will change the subject line.

I’d like to see new COVID-aware choreography with fewer swings. If swinging is 
perhaps the most dangerous thing we do while dancing, I’d like to see some new 
dances that emphasize partner swings and de-emphasize neighbor swings, and at 
least some dances without any swings.

I’m intrigued by the idea that dances without swings open up 32 beats of 
opportunity for new choreography.

Lisa Sieverts

On 23 Nov 2022, at 9:30, Jeff Kaufman via Contra Callers wrote:

"during the average contra evening, you will spend approximately 30 minutes

Tangent: I thought "that can't be right" but a little playing with numbers
and I think it is.  My back of the envelope: guess ~12 dances, each ~17
times through, with ~20 beats of swinging per dance.  That's 4k beats of
swinging, which at 118bpm is 35min.  Another way to think of it is that in
a 3hr evening half of your time is dancing and a third of that is swinging.


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