This is more geeking than actually useful, but the hole-sorting system
you're describing is

You could buy spiral-bound index cards and remove the spiral:
This gets you 19 categories per card.  This should be plenty for contra
dances, though is well below what a traditional edge-notched card might

(I don't call much anymore, but when I do I just use my phone.  If I was
going to be doing a lot of calling again I'd write an app (with offline
capability) for showing and searching dances)


On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:50 AM Gregory Frock via Contra Callers <> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> The most important thing is to have a sorting system that allows you to
> find a dance fast when you need it. The key elements of this system would
> thus be based on how one programs and how frequently one calls. For
> example, a caller who programs in advance and calls one dance per quarter
> pretty much does not need to worry about a sorting system. Each dance
> program can be carefully hand crafted with main dances and alternates
> should the dances turn out to be particularly new or experienced in a given
> night. Sorting becomes more important for callers who call frequently and
> program more ad-hoc. I call about 30-40 dances per year, and lean toward
> the ad-hoc programming approach, tempered by a standard slotting framework
> I use that governs. So, being able to just look through a short subset of
> dances for a particular slot is important for me to do on the fly. So,
> "slot" is my first organizational criteria. After that, I generally use
> Diane's hook categorization, but also consider the opening figures and
> whether a dance works better for warm or cold weather (important
> consideration for my home hall, which is not climate controlled).
> I can detail my programming framework process, but this is long enough, I
> think.
> Hope this provides some additional insight.
> Best,
> Greg
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 12:44 AM Joe Harrington via Contra Callers <
>> wrote:
>> The short version of this post is, how should I organize my dances?  But,
>> I'm sure if I ask that, the thread will have 100 replies and lots of
>> confusion.  My search of the list archives and web were surprisingly spotty
>> on this question, with lots of anecdotes and no summary or comparison.  And
>> I'm not just asking for myself. While I've got a whopping 15 evenings of
>> dance calling under my belt, I'm being called on to train some students to
>> call for our college club, and they're asking the same question.
>> So, I'm looking for one or more summaries from those wiser than I (ok,
>> low bar!) of the kinds of systems for cards.  This might better be asked
>> as, what are the different approaches to programming dances, and what
>> organizing systems make each of those easier?
>> In a workshop of his last summer, Bob Isaacs related his system of
>> colored cards for easy, hard, bouncy, flowy, sweetheart, and
>> divorce-reconcile dances (I think those were the categories). Call easy
>> dances first, call a sweetheart right after the break when they're most
>> likely to dance with the person they came with. Save hard for festivals.
>> Give them variety.
>> But, I've wanted more categories, and what about finding the bouncy
>> sweethearts?  I'm really busy, so the idea of re-copying a hundred or more
>> cards to make a new system doesn't thrill me, if I don't like my initial
>> system. Maybe I'll get a database system to select dances with, and then
>> have a set of alphabetized printed cards for the actual calling, though
>> what if I'm wrong and need to change my program, as has already happened a
>> few times when a ton of newbies shows up?  I'm interested in hearing about
>> anything particularly clever or efficient, especially if it doesn't involve
>> a computer or tablet.
>> A comparison of the different computer systems would also be welcome.
>> I'm aware of programs by Will Loving and Colin Hume.  I asked on one
>> Facebook group for a comparison of these but got no response.  Is the
>> Caller's Box up to real-time dance selection at an event? That presumes
>> wi-fi, of course, or at least cell signal.
>> I'll toss in one amusing and possibly workable paper system, for a
>> dedicated and extremely nerdy caller, which might be me...
>> I heard recently (I believe from Angela DeCarlis) of a mechanical sorting
>> system based on the Jacquard loom concept that became the Hollerith punched
>> card system.  I've never seen it in use.  Does anyone do this?
>> Figure out the ten or so characteristics you might want to sort on.  For
>> example, easy, medium, hard, bouncy, flowy, separates partners, sweetheart
>> (keeps partners together), etc.  Take a stack of cards and drill holes near
>> the bottom edge, one per characteristic (you can drill a stack of cards if
>> you sandwich them between wood and clamp them).  Now, on a given card,
>> punch out the rest of the paper between the hole and the edge of the card
>> for each hole the card DOESN'T match.  So, for an easy dance, you'd punch
>> out the rest of the paper for the medium and hard holes (among others), but
>> leave the easy hole intact.  If you make a mistake, just fold a piece of
>> tape over the gap above the hole to close the gap.
>> Now, when you want to look at your easy, flowy, sweetheart dances, flip
>> the stack so the holes are up, push a pencil or knitting needle through the
>> "easy" hole and lift. Then, in the ones you pulled, push through the flowy
>> hole and lift, and finally for that set poke through the sweetheart hole
>> and lift.  Those are the easy, flowy, sweetheart dances.  If you want the
>> medium or hard dances that are bouncy and that separate partners, you pull
>> first the medium and then the hard dances, combine them, and then pull the
>> bouncies from that set and the separators from that third pull.  And so on.
>> Good hole alignment and clean punching would matter, I think.  If you are
>> a real dance sorting fanatic, you could get like 30 holes around the card
>> edges, but that would limit the writing space.
>> I predict this will be all the rage, least until we
>> run out of cards. ;-)
>> --jh--
>> Joe Harrington
>> Organizer, Greater Orlando Contra Dance
>> Faculty Advisor, Contra Knights, the UCF contra dancing club
>> FB, Ig: Contra Knights
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