I love that Joe remembered the edge-notched sorting system I told him about
and also really love Jeff's suggestion of getting spiral-bound cards and
removing the spiral! I've drilled holes in index cards before as Joe
described, but the results weren't clean.

*I don't remember who I first heard about this sorting system from, but I
recall that they said some well-known caller/choreographer organized his
cards this way. Anyone know who this was?* I've always wanted to rediscover
this knowledge!

For my cards, I've only in the last year developed a system I'm happy with
after a decade of prototyping:

   - First, my box is divided into five sections (I, II, III, IV, and V)
   according to *difficulty*. Dances in the I section are easiest and won't
   even include a courtesy turn. Sections II and III are my most-used; a
   typical regular dance evening will pull from these sections. IV is for
   tricky dances — you could get away with one or two at a regular dance with
   a competent crowd, or you could save them for Advanced Dance events. V is
   really wacky hard stuff. Advanced as it gets.
   - Second, each card has a colored sticker (something like these
   to give a sense of the dance's *disposition*. Pink is very balance-y,
   orange is moderately balance-y, yellow is moderately smooth, green is very
   smooth. The important distinction here is that I'm not wed to how a
   particular bit of choreography should be danced (i.e., a band could
   successfully play a smooth tune to an orange-coded dance) but my coding
   does give a sense of where to look for certain moves: if I want
   petronellas, I look in the pink dances first.
      - *The stickers are placed along the top edge of the cards and
      positioned according to difficulty, with dances in Section I having
      stickers on the left of that edge and dances in Section V toward
the right.
      This makes sorting and identifying dances very easy.*
      - Finally, within each colored section I alphabetize. Occasionally I
   know the name of a dance I'm looking for (though not always!) and in those
   cases I usually remember enough about the dance to guess where in my box it
   will be.

I've been really happy with this sorting system. Programming is easier. It
means that if I need to change plans, I can select dances very quickly. It
also means I can replace dances and re-sort my box at the end of the
evening without trouble. I used removable stickers so that I could change
my mind if needed, and this is the only thing I'd do differently so far;
these stickers fall off too easily, even when folded over the top edge.

Bonus: My box looks like rainbow stripes from the top.

And another mechanic:

   - I always add a tally to the back of a card after I call it...
      - Regular at the top left, medley inclusion at the bottom
      - This allows me to turn my box around and select for favorites ("I
      need an old stand-by") or newly-collected ("I'm bored")
   - ...and I also add dance titles to a google spreadsheet before I
   re-sort the cards back into their categories
      - What did I call last time I was at this dance? What worked and what
      - I can also pull an old program from a comparable event if I don't
      have time to program from scratch

On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 11:26 AM Michael Dyck via Contra Callers <
contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> On 2023-01-11 12:44 a.m., Joe Harrington via Contra Callers wrote:
> >
> > I heard recently (I believe from Angela DeCarlis) of a mechanical
> sorting
> > system based on the Jacquard loom concept that became the Hollerith
> punched
> > card system.  I've never seen it in use.  Does anyone do this?
> See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge-notched_card
> [Ah, Jeff Kaufman beat me to it.]
> > Figure out the ten or so characteristics you might want to sort on.  For
> > example, easy, medium, hard, bouncy, flowy, separates partners,
> sweetheart
> > (keeps partners together), etc.  Take a stack of cards and drill holes
> near
> > the bottom edge, one per characteristic (you can drill a stack of cards
> if
> > you sandwich them between wood and clamp them).  Now, on a given card,
> punch
> > out the rest of the paper between the hole and the edge of the card for
> each
> > hole the card DOESN'T match.
> Alternatively, you could punch out the margin when it *does* match (which
> would probably be less work). Then in the selection procedure, the cards
> that fall out (as opposed to the ones that stay on the needle) are the
> selected ones.
> > [...]
> >
> > Good hole alignment and clean punching would matter, I think.  If you
> are a
> > real dance sorting fanatic, you could get like 30 holes around the card
> > edges, but that would limit the writing space.
> Back when I was young and had lots of time (and no computer), I made a
> deck
> of edge-notched cards to 'play' the game Mastermind:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game)
> (4 pegs of 6 possible colors, so 1296 cards, each with 24 holes and 4
> notches.) As I recall, during the selection procedure, cards with a notch
> at
> the selected hole (which *should* fall out) would sometimes 'stay on' the
> needle just from friction with the neighboring cards. So I'd have to
> jostle
> the deck a bit to shake those loose.
> Also, V-shaped notches increased the chances that a card would fall out
> when
> it should.
> One way to avoid these problems is to have two opposite sets of holes,
> with
> complementary notches. In the selection procedure, you use two needles,
> placed in complementary holes, and you pull them apart to separate the
> cards
> you want from the ones you don't.
> -Michael
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