"At the time, it almost never happened that the one in the lady's role
actually swung like a lady.  I'm not sure when that became the norm."

When I started dancing both roles, around 2005, I remember initially doing
it as you said, with gender-neutral swings with the gents I encountered.  I
remember being surprised sometime around 2006-2007 when I ran into a few
guys dancing switch who indicated they wanted to do the standard ballroom
hold.  By 2008-2009 I think my male friends and I were dancing the lady's
role in the standard way?


On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 10:16 PM Joe Harrington via Contra Callers <
contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I love the barrel hold, but some of my partners have reacted in a way that
> indicated it was too intimate for them.  This is especially true if I have
> to lean over to do it, as that puts my face pretty close to theirs (I'm
> pretty tall).  It's also difficult to do without frontal contact if one or
> both partners is well on the heavy side.  But, all that aside, if you and
> your partner like fast swings, it's a great hold, more stable than
> ballroom, with four arms providing support rather than one.
> In the late 1980s and early 1990s, when guys danced the lady's role (using
> the terminology of the time for reasons you'll see in a moment), we'd
> almost universally be offered the "gender-neutral swing", which is
> symmetrical and very stable for fast swinging: both right arms are around
> the other's back and both left arms go over/around the other's right arm,
> bend 90 degrees at the elbow, pass between you, and clasp left hands around
> each other's forearms between your bodies.  At the time, it almost never
> happened that the one in the lady's role actually swung like a lady.  I'm
> not sure when that became the norm.  I would occasionally do it with a
> particular guy partner whom I liked to dance with.  We practiced it first
> and then did it with each other, but we gender-neutral-swung our
> neighbors.  We got some pretty surprised looks from our neighbors when we
> swung each other. At least one guy asked me if that partner and I were an
> item.  Times and role terms and what people read into dance behavior
> change...
> In general, I'm quite happy to swing with guys in either role when they're
> happy to swing with me.  But, it's awkward and uncomfortable in the extreme
> to be going up an entire line of consecutive frowns, growls, and looks of
> disgust as a guy dancing the robbin...enough that I haven't returned to the
> dance weekend where that happened in Fall 2022, even though it was pretty
> great in other ways.
> The one swing style I really dislike is a modified ballroom position where
> the robbin tries to put their hand on the lark's back in the same place
> where the lark's hand is on theirs.  I know some people actually teach it
> this way, I guess as some kind of equality thing.  It's terrible, because
> their elbow and the lark's elbow then have to occupy the same space, which,
> well, physics.  If I'm the lark and their arm is outside mine, when they
> try to provide support, it hyperextends my right elbow, eliminating any
> chance I can provide support and sometimes inducing pain before I can
> either force my elbow back out, displacing their hand from my back, or pull
> my arm up to rest it on their arm in a mirror of the traditional ballroom
> hold.  I hope we can convince everyone to stop teaching this hold, as it
> usually doesn't work as intended and it can hurt the lark.
> One assist that does work in ballroom position and requires no
> communication is, if the robbin's arm is as long as or longer than the
> lark's, they rest their left arm on the lark's right, extending the entire
> length of the arm and then reaching around/over the lark's shoulder to
> provide some support on the shoulder blade.  In my case, at least, if they
> are short enough that they can't do this, then they're often also light
> enough that additional support isn't critical, though it does make for more
> connection.  It's important not to press down on the shoulder, though. Only
> pull forward.
> --jh--
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:52 PM Julian Blechner via Contra Callers <
> contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> At the last couple of dances in the last few days, I thought about this
>> email thread and observations.
>> Short and simple:
>> A "barrel hold" swing:
>> - Seemed to provide a little bit more space than a ballroom hold
>> - One neighbor offered it (by chance) really clearly, as a lark, with his
>> left arm curved into a sort of "offer a hug" type position. As we engaged
>> in the swing hold, he placed his left arm in place, and it guided things
>> in. It worked pretty well for me, at least as an experienced dancer.
>> In dance,
>> -Julian Blechner
>> On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 4:18 PM becky.liddle--- via Contra Callers <
>> contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>>> I can’t answer whether the robin's would always HAVE to go above the
>>> lark’s in the modified ballroom swing, but I would intuitively think that
>>> having that rule/understanding might make it easier for dancers to make the
>>> transition from ballroom to modified ballroom because the robin’s arm is
>>> always on top in standard ballroom swing. Also, the lark’s hand is
>>> typically cupped upwards with the robin’s hand above the lark’s in things
>>> like a balance or even a handhold in a circle move, so having the hand/arm
>>> orientations the same in the swing would also seem more intuitive to me if
>>> I were just learning this swing.
>>> Becky
>>> On Mar 16, 2024, at 12:25 PM, Katherine Kitching via Contra Callers <
>>> contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>>> Hi John, thanks for all your comments. I like this swing at
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUiXStkCHGs from 0:05 to 0:15 - for
>>> spacing -- and I'm going to introduce it at our next dance!  Though what I
>>> think Becky found interesting about the variation we're working on is that
>>> it retains the "pointy hands", which can be useful.
>>> The one thing that I was confused about when I read your message:  you
>>> say when you tried the swing variation our group has been experimenting
>>> with (visual at 
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ebotfe2jksbr3dqbjyiuf/Modified-Ballroom-Swing-elbow-hold.jpg?rlkey=ekblzvpc2tk2hkbtfrh9u96au&dl=0
>>> )
>>> <https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ebotfe2jksbr3dqbjyiuf/Modified-Ballroom-Swing-elbow-hold.jpg?rlkey=ekblzvpc2tk2hkbtfrh9u96au&dl=0>
>>> -- you say that you found the grip insufficient, for the arms that are
>>> holding just above the elbow.
>>> But in my mind, this hold that me and my partner are doing with his left
>>> hand my right hand ,  is supposed to be the same as the hold you use in
>>> this video of yours - (but in your case, your left hand and her right hand.)
>>> Maybe I didn't execute it properly, but it is what I intended:
>>> https://youtu.be/yUbi1B2Edk0?si=HL-3jgI95LtGZBQ_&t=198
>>> Starts at 3:18.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Also, is anyone able to answer my question to Winston -
>>> Is it a given, due to something in the asymmetric nature of the hold,
>>> that in this video referenced by Allan -
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ0R5iHT-l8 
>>> <https://youtu.be/yUbi1B2Edk0?si=HL-3jgI95LtGZBQ_&t=198>   or in the photo 
>>> I shared above via Dropbox, that the Robin's arm will *always* go above the 
>>> Lark's arm?
>>> Or could the placement of the arms vary depending on the relative height of 
>>> the two dancing partners?
>>> (for example with a 6' tall Lark and a 5' tall Robin, would the Robin's arm 
>>> still be above the Lark's?
>>> Thanks all!
>>> Kat K in Halifax
>>> John Sweeney via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
>>> Thursday, March 14, 2024 7:23 AM
>>> Hi Kat,
>>> Yes, I thought you meant something like you show in your photo. When you
>>> mentioned Jeff's photo I did wonder, as it is what I call a Foreshortened
>>> Hold in my video and brings you closer together rather than further apart.
>>> I picked up the Foreshortened Hold from the cover of Zesty Contras and
>>> love it. I was surprised when I analysed the 600 dancers at a contra dance
>>> at The Flurry and realised that nobody else was using it!
>>> We tried your Modified Ballroom Hold Swing and didn't feel that it
>>> really worked. With my right arm underneath there didn't seem to be enough
>>> connection to have a really good swing unless Karen gripped my arm. I felt
>>> that my hand might slide down. With my right arm on top Karen felt that it
>>> was pulling on her shoulder even though I wasn't gripping - it was just
>>> awkward. So, sorry, but I won't be using that one.
>>> Re all the references to sore arms/hands/wrists/etc. The biggest problem
>>> is that people are told to "give weight". I don't want your weight! People
>>> misunderstand and lean back or sideways. If people control their own weight
>>> then all the connection has to do is counter centrifugal force and that it
>>> not a lot inless you spin really fast.
>>> I always start a Swing lesson by getting the dancers to Buzz on the spot
>>> BY THEMSELVES. Then when they connect they keep their own balance and
>>> weight.
>>> I have had major operations on both my shoulders (too much Repetitive
>>> Strain Injury from another style of dance that is taught badly, and then
>>> lots of Aerials: https://youtu.be/CJnL_Y63AnY?si=RqKHSw5MQmhiuIFT -
>>> maybe I shouldn't have started doing those in my fifties!). Anyway, I can't
>>> afford to let people damage my shoulders. With a good partner I can Swing
>>> at high speeds with no problem. Whenever someone leans back or sideways I
>>> just slow the Swing down and lessen my connection so that they have to take
>>> their own weight or fall over.
>>> Anyway, if you can get everyone to keep their own weight you will find
>>> it is much less strain on your arm/hand/wrist.
>>> The standard Quebecois Swing has the feet interleaved. They seem to do
>>> it without any problem. It is just a different feel and takes some getting
>>> used to.
>>> Someone mentioned the challenges with being too close in a Ceilidh Swing
>>> (http://contrafusion.co.uk/SwingWorkshop.html#Ceilidh ) - you could
>>> always try the Forearm Swing instead (
>>> http://contrafusion.co.uk/SwingWorkshop.html#Linked ) - same principle,
>>> but further apart so no bodily contact.
>>> Happy dancing,
>>> John
>>> John Sweeney, Dancer, England j...@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802
>>> 940 574
>>> http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
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>>> becky.liddle--- via Contra Callers
>>> <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
>>> Wednesday, March 13, 2024 10:20 PM
>>> For me, the enforced intimacy is about the proximity of bodies and lack
>>> of physical air space between them. The huge difference between a swing in
>>> contra vs., say, agreeing to dance a waltz or a swing dance with someone,
>>> is that by agreeing to dance you’re agreeing to swing with EVERY
>>> opposite-role person in the line, not just the person you asked to dance.
>>> That’s a much bigger commitment to physical contact/intimacy than saying
>>> yes to one person.
>>> As a side note, before we got rid of a lecherous dancer in our group a
>>> few years ago, MANY women in our dance group chose their contra dance line
>>> specifically to avoid having to swing with him. The most important
>>> intervention was, of course, to establish a code of conduct which we used
>>> to remove him from the dance group (when it became clear he would not agree
>>> to change his behaviour). But for women (and others, but it’s always been
>>> women who have said this to me over the years), when they come to a dance
>>> not KNOWING whether there MIGHT be a letch in the line, it is asking quite
>>> a lot to expect them to do a ballroom swing with whoever comes at them. I
>>> am wondering whether the modified ballroom hold might make contra feel
>>> safer, especially for new dancers.
>>> I’d love to hear what folks who have used both feel about the
>>> difference.
>>> Becky
>>> On Mar 13, 2024, at 4:34 PM, Julian Blechner
>>> <juliancallsdan...@gmail.com> <juliancallsdan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I would love to read elaboration / articulation on why a ballroom hold
>>> feels more "intimate" than other holds?
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>>> Julian Blechner via Contra Callers
>>> <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
>>> Wednesday, March 13, 2024 5:34 PM
>>> I would love to read elaboration / articulation on why a ballroom hold
>>> feels more "intimate" than other holds?
>>> Is it a matter of the historical social attachment we have in our minds
>>> with couples dances that use the hold, and romance in our culture?
>>> Is it a physical proximity? (I find ceilidh holds to be closer, crossed
>>> arms has my hands bearish their belly which has its own intimacy to me,
>>> though sometimes barrel holds can be done with a bit more space - though I
>>> wouldn't say the default)
>>> Is it something else?
>>> Maybe if we looked at the why, it'd give insight to what a solution to
>>> an alternate swing hold and/or an adjusted mindset might entail?
>>> In dance,
>>> Julian Blechner
>>> He/him
>>> Western Mass
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