On 01/10/2017 03:40 PM, Sela, Guy wrote:
> Hi,


no MD-SAL in sight, -mdsal-dev, +controller-dev.

> I’m running scale tests for netvirt, using 24G heap, G1 collector, on
> stable/boron.
> I’m trying to reach a mesh of tunnels between many computes.
> At about 100 computes, I get the exception below.
> Last GC before the exception got me to 3G occupied heap and 21G free heap.

A heap dump is really needed to understand what is going on.

> From what I understand, the MD-SAL tries to serialize an object, and
> because it is too big, it gets OOM.
> 1)      What is actually happening here? Is this a periodic flush to the
> disk of the configuration data store?

Looks like a snapshot operation, i.e. roll-up of the journal.

> 2)      Is there anything to do to avoid this scenario? Could the
> objects be serialized in chunks?

Depends on what the heap looks like. Snapshot has to be assembled as a
byte[], there is not much we can do right now.


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