> I made a screencast showing exactly what I am doing.  Please advise?
> https://asciinema.org/a/R5Oo9BYsPuQMBYfpjGI29D1fM 
> <https://asciinema.org/a/R5Oo9BYsPuQMBYfpjGI29D1fM>
> I have never seen “ExampleProvider Session Initiated”, no matter what I do.  
> It feels like the most basic “hello world” program doesn’t even work with 
> Nitrogen anymore :(
> There's a couple reasons you don't see that message. First, none of the 
> example features are specified in the featuresBoot property in 
> etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg so none of the generated example features 
> are installed on startup - that's b/c this line is commented out in 
> karaf/pom.xml:

First, thanks for getting back to me on this.  I was pretty impressed with 
asciinema, going to use it a lot more in the future (did you see you can 
copy/paste from the video while it is playing!?  That is super cool!)

I see the file: features.cfg.  In it I see this section that refers to 

featuresBoot = \
    standard, \

Should it include something related to old-example?  How do I know what to put 

>     <properties>
>        <!-- TODO <karaf.localFeature>odl-example-rest</karaf.localFeature> -->
>     </properties>

I’m guessing uncommenting this without fixing the features.cfg file isn’t going 
to do anything?

> That's not really an issue other than it no longer matches the wiki content.

I can follow a step-by-step checklist, I promise!  (missing steps makes it a 
bit harder though)

>  When you list the features, notice there's only odl-example-api - the 
> odl-example feature which includes the example-impl bundle, which of course 
> has the ExampleProvider class, is missing (and also the odl-example-cli and 
> odl-example-rest features). This is b/c the features-example feature repo 
> only includes odl-example-api - the  features/features-example/pom.xml should 
> list odl-example-rest, which pulls in all the example features, instead of 
> odl-example-api as a dependency. Unfortunately, this was overlooked when the 
> archetype was  migrated to karaf 4.

Yeah, this encapsulation that is going on in the features-repo is confusing.  I 
still don’t get how OSGi connects the dots between “packaging” that announces 
itself as a “feature”, a “bundle” or a “pom”.  The Karaf 4 manual might as well 
be written in sanskrit because I can’t make it through the first few paragraphs 
without stack-overflowing.

So, is example totally broken? (similar to toaster and coretutorials)?  Is 
there a simple “hello world”-esque example anywhere in ODL that works with 
Nitrogen SR1?

-Ryan Dietrich
controller-dev mailing list

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