
philippe Libat a écrit :
> hi,
> Sveinar Søpler a écrit :
> >
> > Is it possible to do nat'ing like this :
> >
> > I have 128 public ip adresses from my ISP. I want to run several servers++
> > and want all my machines to use the public ip's i have from my ISP. Also
> > when i connect out from one of my machines to external source, like an FTP
> > server or IRC server, i want this to be connected "from" my "real" ip, and
> > not the firewall ip.
> >
> >
> > Sveinar Søpler
> > Servicekoordinator
> > Tech Computers
> > Tlf  : 22896022
> >
> Yes, another good topology and features for the next product.
> If I summary your question:
> you want to make a static adress translation ( public network to private
> network, or n to n mapping ).

Your configuration. with masquerading and virtual ip should work, 

i've tested your architecture.

here is the configuration.

add a config file (depend on your internet interface and external ip
range )

add static forwarding rules in /etc/sysconfig/lvs 
-A -t -s wlc
-a -t -r -m -w 1

complete with your forwarding range.

you can modify bastille-firewall.conf and add all your internet virtual
ip in PUBLIC_INTERFACE variable.

This one work fine.

have fun.

> --
> Philippe Libat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Linux-Mandrake  http://www.linux-mandrake.com
> _____________________________________________
>         Think Different, Think Linux

Philippe Libat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux-Mandrake  http://www.linux-mandrake.com
        Think Different, Think Linux

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