Stephen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is anyone else having a problem with the WWW access failing? My system runs 
> fine for a couple of days at a time and then it just stops allowing access to 
> web pages. Telnet, FTP, and everything else seems to continue to work fine. I 
> can't even get to the Firewall configuration web. (https://192.168.x.x:8443)
> This has been happening ever since the last release. 
> My system is a dial-up and my provider kicks me off every twelve hours. I am 
> running squid but do not have any sites banned. I am also running snort. I am 
> not running dhcp. There is nothing in the logs about any errors. 
> When I try to go to an external site I get the error from Konqueror: Could 
> not connect to host
> When I try to connect to the firewall configuration program I get: The 
> process for the https://192.168.x.x protocol died unexpectedly.
> I have tried stopping squid but that doesn't fix the problem. The only way to 
> fix it is to reboot the firewall. I will try running it without squid and see 
> if that fixes it.

Hi there,

we talked about similar problems in some older questions.

You didn't say the mode in which squid is running.
Also, if your "provider kicks you off every twelve hours" that means that
your internet network interface will be down every 12 hours (is it with dhcp IP ?)
and therefore you should restart snort.

can you ping any of the network cards from within your inside network.
I don't have enough information, so how could I help ?


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