"Thomas, Stephen W-CONT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is the same person, just answering from work.
> Anyway, you asked if I can ping the addresses, yes I can. Web access is the
> only thing that sufferes. My son plays some of the mud games (Telnet) and he
> continues to work fine when the web access is having problems. This tells me
> that it is something to do with the http(s) protocol. I did notice, this
> morning, that I would get constant packet deny's in the logs when this
> happens. Squid is running in transparen mode. I have the network set to
> restart snort when I get my new IP from my internet provider. Yes, it is
> DHCP. I really think it is a problem with the firewall and dial-up that uses
> dhcp. I have tried disabling snort and squid and the problem doesn't go
> away. I even tried disabling the firewall when the problem was occuring but
> I still had to reboot the system in order for the problem to go away. 
> Is there more info that you need? I'll be happy to send logs or whatever. I
> really like Mandrake Security and want it to be very succesfull. I just
> think that if I am having this problem other people may have the same
> problem. My setup is not that different. It is a basic system and a dial-up
> provider. I use Bellsouth in the United States which is a very big internet
> provider.

Hi again, 

ok, the problem may come from your dhcp client. You could try one of the
dhcpcd, pump, dhcpxd, dhcp-client. Uninstall the useless ones or configure
to use the one you like.

Florin                  http://www.mandrakesoft.com

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