Thanks for the reply.  I booted into rescue and looked at the table for /dev/hdb and 
it had the bootstrap partitian but also 
had all the MacOS9 drivers on it.  Guess I didn't uncheck the box when I erased it.  
Probably shouldn't have mattered, but I 
blasted it away and started from scratch anyway, this time with a newly burned CD1.

Second time around:
Same, same with the r128 but it got all the way through the install this time, and the 
bootloader setup even gave me the 
command to enter into OF (nice touch, btw).  It didn't work, though, so I found a 
yaboot how-to out in webland and got it 
going.  Don't know exactly how it was supposed to work, but I don't have a yaboot.conf 
file.  I couldn't find one in /etc or 
anywhere else.  Ran ybin and it also tells me that "there is no yaboot.conf file, 
loading a generic configuration".  But for 
now, it works enough to be usable and I can make the .conf file if I can ever boot 
into MDL.

>       r128 issue is known - I'm working through it now with vdanen.  ide-cd
>       message is not good.

I think the ide-cd thing was a fluke.  I fought with a r128 on the x86 side for quite 
some time before it became usable, if 
it is going to cause me troubles in linux on the ppc side, I may just replace it :-{. 
It needs to be gone anyway.

My present problem:  I boot into the yaboot menu (too tiny a font for these old eyes), 
choose linux and the boot starts. The 
text resolution changes to something akin to 80x40 and it goes through all the pci 
stuff and the last line I can read before 
the screen goes black is something about exiting the pic(?).  Anyway, it sounds like 
it is continuing the boot, but I can't 
see it.

Tried entering "textboot failsafe" at the boot: prompt but got the same thing.  Was my 
syntax wrong?
I've got a 17" Apple CRT and picked that during the install, maybe that is the 
problem?  If so, I wouldn't mind getting it into a
low resolution just so I can work with it.

Rescue works so if you have any suggestions, I'm willing to try.

Thanks again,

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