On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Peter R. Wood wrote:

> It's interesting, sometimes it looks totally fine. For example, if I switch
> to VT 1-6 from KDM, and then back to VT 7/KDM, KDM looks totally fine.
> There are varying degrees of ugliness, from KDM login window totally absent,
> to multi-colored, to totally fine.

David tells me it seems to be associated with using DRI with r128.  You
might try disabling it.

> The next time it comes up, I"ll generate a BugBuddy report and send it off
> to the GNOME folks; would you like a copy of the debugging info as well?

Sure, send it over. Looking over the control-center and bonobo SRPMS, it
looks like this problem is not new on x86 either.  Frederic has several
iterations of patches that have been applied/removed.

Stew Benedict

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