On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 02:08:21AM -0400, Quentin Mason wrote:
> I usually have "mesg y" in the interactive section of my login scripts so 
> that people may "talk" or "ytalk" to me when I am interactively using that 
> login [cf "mesg n" for remote batch jobs].
> On my new vanilla Mandrake 8.2\beta2 install mesg y fails in bash, tcsh
> etc at all times.  The error is: 
> "mesg: error: tty device is not owned by group `tty'" and sure enough 
> /dev/pts/? is owned by user.user not user.tty; mesg n is fine 
> however.

I'm pretty sure this is a symptom of msec being run at a high security
level.  Try reading man msec and it's accompanying documents.  There is
a way to override the permissions that is causing your issue.

Or you can just lower your security level.
I have mine on level 3 and mesg y and mesg n works just fine.  You can
find out your current level via:
grep SECURITY /etc/sysconfig/system

To change it just run:
msec X
Where X is a level (0-5).

The higher the number the more secure.

Incidentally the talk issue is a known issue of running at a higher
security level and it was determined that it was an acceptible problem
because very few people that use that feature also run at high security


What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Ghandi

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