
> Doesn't sound like the kernel is compiled with the mol module in 8.2, am
> i right? I have to run mol with the -a option, it launches up, I have
> the mac window opening, i can see the extensions loading, then the mac
> desktop appears and it stays glued here showing the desktop with no menu
> and no icons. Any idea? Is there an 2.4.18 kernel with mol option
> available somewhere. Should I recompile it?,

 Which version of MacOS do you have ?  There is a known problem with 
MOL<0.63 and MacOS 9.2.1.  Also if you install MacOSX on the same 
partition then that is much more difficult -- you must bless the regular 
MacOS system folder after everytime that you use OSX, until Samuel 
completes OSX support (almost there, apparently).  The other question is 
what extensions are you trying to load ?? There are some things which MOL 
still cannot handle, so try booting with extensions off [press shift 
during boot].

If you have managed to get as far as you did then the kernel module
probably should not matter -- but either way I heartily recommend getting
the most recent release as there some significant speedups to window mode
and a new keymapping tool for example.  More help to be found on the
mol-user list, which recently switched over to Terra-soft:

Generally the MOL-in-a-window is much slower than in a console -- try 
editting the /etc/molrc for that.


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