On Wed, 22 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:04:32AM -0400, Stew Benedict wrote:
> > It looks like I neglected to rebuild kmods after the 18-6mdk->18-6.1mdk,
> > but if you're getting as far as you are I don't think that's the issue.  
> > I just tried here at 24, 15, and 16bpp (ati driver in X), and the startup
> > is very slow, much longer than you would expect, and much longer than it
> > was when I had mol running with 2.4.13 at LWE in January.
> Actually, I have observed a mysterious MOL slowdown when the
> kernel module did not match the running kernel exactly. I strongly
> recommend recompiling the kernel modules. 
> If the the slowdown doesn't disappear, I would like to hear about it.

Thanks Samuel,

I'm still seeing the slowdown here, but my machine is probably not a good
test case as it's all cookered up right now.  Here's a rebuilt mol-kmods
on a clean 8.2 system against 2.4.18-6.1mdk:


Stew Benedict

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