On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 11:11:49PM +0800, Targon wrote:
> Ok i worked out how to firstly find that file an then i hit F11 
> an clicked on the file an it opened some text editor app, i 
> changed all references in the file of 800x600 to 1024x768 thats 
> good enuff for now. Ill try 1152x870 later.

1152x870?  That's a really odd resolution.  Probably what you need to do
is search the web for the correct modeline of your monitor to run at
that resolution.  Unfortunately you didn't provide enough info on what
it is for me to find that info for you.

> Now i have that sorted, is it possible to assign the control key 
> as a right mouse click and is it possible to assign the control 
> key as is currently used ie "control+z" = paste to the command 
> key??

Ack don't turn it into the MacOS.  The right mouse click is important to
use in X (Meaning X Windows here not OS X).  Without it you'll have a
lot of trouble doing anything.  Paste is already assigned to your middle
mouse button (if you have one) or clicking your left and right mouse
buttons at the same time.  To copy all you have to do is (in most
applications) is select the text witht the mouse.

Unfortunately, even if you wanted to change the keyboard shortcut for
paste you couldn't reliably do it in one place.  Pretty much every app
is on it's own as far as how it implements copy and paste (though the
select with mouse and paste with the mouse that I described above is
used in 90% of the apps out there).  Some apps use Alt+C for copy, some
use Ctrl+C, some only use Ctrl+Ins (ugh).  



We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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