On Thursday, September 5, 2002, at 01:05 PM, Ornitorinco wrote:

> I'm not in the club but I will be sign up right away ;-)

Good stuff!  I think, on a side note, that Club member should be able 
to specify their arch preference (ie. PPC or x86) when they sign up or 
change their preferences.  This might give us a clearer indication of 
who things PPC is a priority, and how many Club members are there for 
PPC "stuff".  Denis?

> I am so happy about the renewed enthusiasm and that Vincent
> installed Mandrake even on his ibook :-). BTW I don't have
> a Mandrake partition on my powerbook right now but I will
> hopefully after this weekend.

=)  Well, I still use OS X on my ibook...  But I do have some mucking 
around to try to do "everything".  I need to put 8.2 in another 
partition on my G3 to do the Club stuff (since I can't do this on the 
regular 8.2 "updates" partition), and my G4 will soon be used for 
cooker work (dual-booted because I like iMovie and iDVD too much!).

But this will give Stew the opportunity he needs to get his hands dirty 
with a G4 and since these are the next generation imacs, we really want 
to get them humming with Mandrake.  Unfortunately I don't have a tibook 
to donate to the "cause"... =(

> I guess what we need now is a bit more publicity about the Mandrake
> club ppc advantages, maybe on some of the linux ppc lists/forums?
> the mandrake page? it might have been there already I haven't checked.
> It should be totally obvious to somebody installing linux on ppc
> that the mandrake club is the way to go..

Which I think a "preferred arch" portion of the Club userinfo would 
help do, at least in terms of who on Club is using/wants PPC.  There is 
definately an effort to get more PPC exposure on Forum and Club, the 
rest needs to catchup yet.  Of course, we still have to demonstrate to 
MandrakeSoft our interest, in order for them to really decide to drive 
PPC hard.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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