On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 11:18:13AM -0500, Craig Miller wrote:
> Has anyone noticed the ethernet interface hanging (it can not receive 
> packets) after putting the interface into promiscious mode (such as with 
> Ethereal). The interface seems to work while in promiscious mode, but 
> after quiting Ethereal (TCPDump, ngrep) the interface no longer receives 
> packets. This seems to occur on my G3 PB (Pismo) with either the built 
> in ethernet (eth0), or the airport card (eth1)
> I am using the otherwise wonderful 2.4.18 (-6?) kernel (with ide-cs.o 
> module for flash card access). Putting the PB to sleep, and re-awakening 
> it, seems to clear the problem.
> Any thoughts? Anyone using sniffers out there? I had to work to find an 
> ethereal that works with Mandrake 8.2 (most want libcrypto, and there 
> doesn't seem to be one for 8.2)

I've had problems with nmap hanging my airport interface but that's it.
The solution I've found is to ifdown the interface.  rmmod the modules
related to them.  Then ifup the interface again.  And it should start
working again.

Guess it's not really a solution... more like a work around.


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
enough." - Jim Nichols

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