On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  > (lspcidrake -v)
> All i get when i run that is a bunch of unidentified entries. (nothing is
> identified)

That's OK - I need to map what the thing really is, and the driver to use
with the 2, 4 digit hex IDs.  That's how the drak tools decide what driver
to use.  Once those entries get into ldetect-lst, then it should be
identified and and the card would be setup correctly.

> > Looks like that comes from /proc/bus/pci/devices
> Should I send the output of this?

yes, the portion for the video adapter.

> > you mentioned before - > > anything at the tail end of the log?
> No.  The only thing at the end of the log is that it completed the user
> setup section.

Oops, didn't mean to ask that again.

> > Oh, that's nasty. I believe that's coming from the kernel.  Sounds like
> > the installer poked into somewhere it shouldn't have :(
> Oh.  Is there some kind of verbose debugging I can turn on for the
> installer?  Maybe I can find out what it's trying to do.  (Since no one
> else seems to have this hardware)

I wish.  When I've hit this type of stuff I've had to go into the
installer code and add log::l("I'm at this subroutine") type things to try
and narrow down where things are going astray.  Little hard for you if
you're using a CD.  There are a number of hardware probes I've already
disabled, that kill the old machines.  It might be doing a USB probe,
which is already in the PPC kernel. I've wrapped that probe in a

if OldWorld {

Because those machines definitely don't like it.

If you're able to boot the system, the same code is in drakconnect, so you
might be able to debug it from there.

Stew Benedict

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