On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Stew Benedict wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Pozsar Balazs wrote:
> >
> > > I have a 2002 powerbook with the ati radeon 7500 mobility. I still get
> > > very weird effects on the screen when entering graphics mode, and it is
> > > unusable :(.
> >
> > install-gui-benh is also wierd?  This may be the same machine someone else
> > mentioned, that drove me to add the "force-fbdev" in the final for.
> The same effect with the -benh.
> Well, it's hard to describe... I'll try to take a photo of it :)
> > > (Moreover, i could not start textmode install, it just hung up before
> > >  start, so i cannot do any kind of installation.)
> >
> > What do you mean hung-up?   What happens exactly?
> Oops, sorry... After loading the ramdisk from the cdrom (the red progress
> bar), it seemed to get into an endless loop trying to read something from
> the cd. (I can hear it seeking). The screen is black, apart from the
> "welcome..." blue titlebar.
> BUT: after a lot of time (more than five minutes) it get into the
> installer itself.
> This is not a media, i tried it with three different discs.

Odd, haven't seen that at all here, and I've done several text installs.
Text install is essentially the same code as GUI.

Stew Benedict

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