Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Lorne Shantz wrote:
> > I was disappointed to find that the new 6.1 release seems to still be
> > broken. It will NOT allow me to auto probe my Adaptec AHA1542 SCSI host
> > adapter. I even tried sending it manual info. Not positive if I got the
> > syntax right or not, but it sure isn't detecting it properly. I keep
> > getting reset bus failed etc. The older versions worked as I recall.
> Strange thing is, it works great for me, Lorne.  Can you give us details
> on the card (I/O, IRQ, attached devices, and so forth)?  Mine works fine
> and it's an AHA1542 using the stock boot.img (and bootnet.img) and
> autoprobing found it just fine...
> Vincent Danen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) . ICQ: 16978834
> BBBS/LiI . Internet Rex for Linux Beta
> Stronghold Enterprises/X BBS .
> Telnet:// . Weblogin-

I have it at work and will get the bios version etc when I get there but
it is an AHA1542C? IO port 330, interupt 11 and dma 5 if I remember

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