On 5 Dec 1999, Pixel wrote:

> well, in fact that's not that tough :)
> the thing you must be carefull about is the `base' packages written in
> install2.pm which is specific to cooker.
>     base => [ qw(basesystem sed initscripts console-tools mkbootdisk
> anacron utempter ldconfig chkconfig ntsysv mktemp setup filesystem
> SysVinit bdflush crontabs dev e2fsprogs etcskel fileutils findutils
> getty_ps grep groff gzip hdparm info initscripts isapnptools kbdconfig
> kernel less ldconfig lilo logrotate losetup man mkinitrd mingetty
> modutils mount net-tools passwd procmail procps psmisc
> mandrake-release rootfiles rpm sash sed setconsole setserial
> shadow-utils sh-utils slocate stat sysklogd tar termcap textutils time
> tmpwatch util-linux vim-minimal vixie-cron which cpio perl) ],
> may be better for helios :-)
> First have a *good* look at www.linux-mandrake.com/drakx/README too!

All right, thanks Pixel. :)


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