
Installation problems with an brand new Xircom Realport RBEM56G-100 + Modem 
Cardbus card.
The card is found during pcmcia install correctly. Initialised on 100Mb-FD 
but carrier errors. This on itself is not the largest problem. It does 
however prevent DHCP from working. Setting a static IP does work to get the 
connection going. Setting eth0 in promiscious mode also helps in getting it 
going. Packet errors al the way. throughput is about 400KB/s max.
This card is probably one of the newest xircom revisions.

This behaviour occurs on both an 3com 630 switch and a netgear fs108.
The 3com also thinks filtering out the corrupt packtes is funny. ;-)

The ifport is not available on pcmcia install to set the port in another state.
I need that one also to get a Compaq 10/100 card going in 100Mbit which 
with the foolproof (tm) auto negotiation will work only in 10Mbit.
So inclusion with the pcmcia bootdisk would be appreciated.

I updated pcmcia-cs to 3.1.8 to get better results from the card. Wich 
helped ethernet somewhat but killed the modem.

2.2.14-11mdk kernel on a Dell Inspirion 7500 with a TI-1225 pcmcia Controller.

No problems as of yet with the maestro 2E btw.
Seems to work decent enough.

Seth Mos

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