
        There are still problems with PCMCIA support, which have been there for some 
time.  I haven't bothered to test to see if they'd been fixed since pre 9.0 
days.. and today discovered that they are indeed still a problem.

        Plugging and unplugging pcmcia cards can cause the interupt handler in the 
kernel to crash.  Message that EIP is at (2.4.21pre3-2mdk)
then a register dump then
<0> kernel panic
Aiee, killing interupt handler!
In interupt handler, not syncinf.

The caps lock and scroll lock lights blinking.

Also, more annoying than anything else, is when the modem is plugged in at 
boot time (can't plug it in later - the interupt handler will crash about 25% 
of the time), and you try to use it it's busy.  Have to modprobe -r serial_cs 
then modprobe serial_cs to get it to work.

Additional info or files or whatever needed to help debug, let me know and 
i'll send it.


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