i use rsync...once you d/l all the files for cooker, rsync will only update the
files (rpm's) that have changed on the ftp.  it really helps, but still isn't a
replacement for faster speeds.

reserve about 600 mb of hdd space for the /cooker files and rsync it overnight.
 most times, there's only ~5 rpm's to d/l or so.

(...if your not already doing this.)

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Here in Juneau we have cable modem access
> so downloading massive files quickly is not so
> much a problem. However;
> We may be relocating to the interior in a more
> remote area which has only a 2.2kps connection 
> if you are lucky. Others who are much more
> knowledgable than I are in this same situation
> so I was wondering...
> Is there, or would there be, anyway to get an ISO
> Cooker image burned to CD perhaps like once a month
> or two upon request, or... ?  I know one can get
> cheap LM 7.0 etc from various companies but not ones
> closer to the "Edge". I personally would even be willing
> to consider some sort or subscription service whereby for
> a monthly or annual fee, I would be sent the latest updates,
> contribs. etc.
> Is this possible, or maybe even actually taking place as I speak
> but not generally known?
> Having to go "Cold Turkey" from my ability to actively and rapidly
> interract with Mandrake releases is something I can deal
> with if necessary, but am hoping there are methods available
> to "compensate for the loss"
> Basically I guess the issue is, 
> "how can I downgrade yet continue to upgrade?"
> Excuse the ramblings.....
> William Bouterse
> (presently of)
> Juneau Alaska


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