On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Lord And Master;) wrote:

> WH Bouterse wrote:
> I should have posted this earlier.. there is a problem with the xfs in
> /etc/rc.d/init.d
> the -1 dose not work, you have to remove the -1 and replace it with either
> nothing or 7100 (the default port) but that still dose not solve the final
> problem wich is this, it will start the xfs then but it will not contiue on
> with the bootup and will just stick there. i tried for over and hour to get
> to work but finaly gave up and used xfs -port 7100 & on the command line..
> although i do not think XFree86 is using the font server , because of the
> XF86Config file generated by xf86config program. any ideas people?

I'm not using xfs because it was buggy in an earlier version of Mandrake
(passed on from redhat's problems I beleive), and I feel having one more
service running that isn't neeed is just another point of failure (and
another port to keep on eye on security-wise). If you aren't using xfs I
would recommend turning it off in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d (or /etc/rc.d/rc3.d if
xdm doesn't start by default) mv SXXxfs KXXxfs, where XX is the start
priority, will do the trick.  The only time I would personally recommend
using xfs is on a designated "font server" for a group of workstations.
This would allow an admin to update fonts one place instead of several.


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